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Welcome to the Land of RolePlay!

This is the place where people can post roleplay ideas. No actual roleplay is done here; it's a mere general forum. :)

~ • RP Rules • ~

• While roleplaying, please don't use profanity or overdo romance. Keep it PG.

• Don't bully other characters or virtual characters into doing things (overstepping your boundaries). The moderator will decide what (for the most part) happens. For example, you can't write, 'Lila stepped over and smacked the puppet master smartly on the face. She giggled as he fell over the cliff.' You CAN write, 'Lila tried to smack the puppet master on the face to prevent him from attacking the rest of the tribe.' In that case, the MOD will decide what happens next to the puppet master.

• Try to use proper punctuation/grammar. We all make errors, but it doesn't help if your sentence is like, 'Arnold romped ran and jumped around in the field trying to chase the butterfly and fairy unicorns but failed and fell right on his hed he cryd out help help help come help.' It's much easier to read a sentence with proper punctuations.

• Speak in third or first tense unless the forum states otherwise.

• You don't have to use quotations in this form. Whatever you write is said out loud. Any actions you do are put in asteracts **. Ex. 'That would be amazing. *Arya sets down ten crystal coins on the counter.* Have a nice day!' However, if you like quotations, go ahead.

• Be consistent with your online username. It gets confusing if you don't.

• Be creative and have fun!

Here is an example of a forum I previously hosted.

Re: The Quest For Wishes

by Eowyn the Shieldmaiden of Rohan - Monday, 3 April 2017, 9:18 AM

Ready to go? Oops, I forgot-- I need to get you some armor. Customers have access to the steel armor. *Holds up the clothing.* You can put it on over your clothes, and it's not that heavy. On the quest, I'll carry the rest of supplies, food, tent, water...etc. I also have a ring-- *Jenni holds up her index finger* which can transport us to different places. After you put on your armor, we'll be ready to go!

Re: The Quest For Wishes

by Elliot the Twin Souls of Doom - Tuesday, 4 April 2017, 6:37 AM

Okay, I'm ready to go!

Re: The Quest For Wishes

by Eowyn the Shieldmaiden of Rohan - Tuesday, 11 April 2017, 10:02 AM


Jenni blows on her ring. "Here we go!"

Suddenly, you land on your feet in a forest. It looks pretty normal except for the colorful glowing mushrooms growing near the trees.

"So? What do you think?"

Re: The Quest For Wishes

by Elliot the Twin Souls of Doom - Wednesday, 12 April 2017, 6:31 AM

"I think it's great, would those glowing mushrooms be the ones in the poem you were talking about?"

Re: The Quest For Wishes

by Eowyn the Shieldmaiden of Rohan - Wednesday, 12 April 2017, 12:25 PM

"Yes," Jenni grinned. "This is the Theran Woods. If you listen carefully, you can hear the young fairies singing. The two blue mushrooms are nearby, let me show you."

She walked over to a huge cluster of mushrooms, all of them a color variety of glowing peach, strawberry bright red, hot pink, luminous green, orangish yellow, sunset purple, and varieties of magentas. "The two blue ones are near the large oak tree. Oh, I found it!" Jenni reached down and plucked two light blue mushrooms out and put it in her satchel. "One item down. But the other ingredients might not be too easy, I'm afraid."

Suddenly her face turns pale. "Oh no. Hear that? A werewolf is near. They're too strong and powerful for us to fight." Jenni turns toward you. "Run!"

Re: The Quest For Wishes

by Elliot the Twin Souls of Doom - Friday, 14 April 2017, 3:03 PM

Running I spot something in a bush, "Great," I say, "Another werewolf."

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