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The Number Devil Book Review

by Hans Magnus Enzensberger


Do you hate math? Does crunching numbers make your head hurt? Yes? Then, The Number Devil may be the perfect book for you! In this story, the author weaves math into a crazy adventure that kept me captivated. Even if you love math (like I do!), you can just enjoy this book as a fun read to learn more.

In the beginning, Robert, the main character, falls asleep. He expects to have one of his nightmares as usual, but instead has a dream about an old man: the number devil. The devil is strict, queer, and magical, and the whole story has a certain element about it which captures his mysterious essence. Throughout the book, the number devil enters his dreams and teaches him the beauty of mathematics. At first, Robert is dismayed at the devil's tips and tricks, but he soon learns to look forward to the visits.

Apart from the entertaining math explanations, The Number Devil has comical illustrations that enhance the dreamlike experience. Additionally, the large print and short chapters make this book a sweet and fast read.

In conclusion, The Number Devil is a fantastic book that takes you on a mysterious mathematical adventure. The best part about it is that you're learning alongside the main character!

Overall Rating:

5 stars

Age Group: 11+

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