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Amy Klobuchar Controversy

"When you have people who don't want to work for you, you can't be as effective."

This quote is from one of Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota's coworkers who left his or her position on her staff. Although Senator Klobuchar has received some highly complimentary reviews, recent evidence has shown that she may mistreat her co-workers/staff. In the Senate, she's got the third rank for staff turnover and used to have the first from 2001-2016. Additionally, some former staff members and said that they were hurt by her regular put-downs, such as saying, "It's the worst." Other allegations include Klobuchar ordering her staff to do personal chores such as washing dishes. However, this is still being investigated. Sadly, the true conclusion may be that this is the result of sexism toward women being strong political leaders.

~ February 6, 2019

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