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Huawei Sues US Government

After the U.S. ruled that federal agencies should not buy Huawei's products, the tech company filed a lawsuit. There have been many U.S. allegations that China is using Huawei to "spy on other nations"; Huawei wants to prove that claim wrong. The company claims that the ban was "unlawful" since banning individual groups without trial is violating the Constitution. Huawei has good reason to be worried. If the U.S. wins this case, this would be potentially hurtful as the U.S. government's decision would definitely influence not only the general public's opinion on Huawei but also other nations' views as well. Well, you may ask, why is the U.S. government banning Huawei products in the first place? Apparently, the United States government mentioned that Huawei does not even follow rules in China (it doesn't allow China to have access of its data source), so it has a right to assume that Huawei would not follow rules in the US. The Trump administration also may believe that the Chinese government is using Huawei to spy on other nations and is a security threat. Huawei responds to this by stating that the administration has brought forth no evidence to back up its claim. In fact, not so long after a different case that claimed that Huawei stole information from T•Mobile, the deputy chairman of Huawei said that the US intelligence has hacked Huawei's source code. How will Huawei and the US resolve this?


~ March 11, 2019

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