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Welcome to Lyrae,

the city of living music! This urban centre has some very friendly people and creatures, though some things you have to watch out for. You check your notes from Kaylee and read over them.

• Beware of the Drawa Hunters, people who work for Lyddia and enslave mythical creatures. Though they have broken the law, many government officials have beeen bribed and do not go after them. They will also likely try to kill all those who try to rescue or warn others of Lyddia's wrath.

• Also, stay off the Common Road, where Drawa Hunters can easily find and capture you. Make sure that you hide your MCRC Mythical Creatures Rescue Committee badge, as some people go against our beliefs and will turn you in.

~Notes from Kaylee

After finishing, you walk around and try to get to know the place better. The street pavement is bright blue and sprightly, lilting music comes out of every town cottage. You notice that the music seems to take a physical form, like mist, and constantly changes. Some even have an aroma! You breathe in the sweet air as your nose hits the delightful scents of clover, cinnamon, honey, and peppermint. After wandering around for a couple minutes, you remember your mission and check your map. The marked x's are the places you have to go to find the mythical creatures. You sigh, knowing you have a lot to do. Suddenly, a cloaked figure on a chestnut stallion comes rushing from the opposite end of the street. You assume he is a Drawa Hunter. As he draws closer, you begin to tremble ever so slightly.

Suddenly, as the man is about three yards away, he dismounts and walks toward you. "Citizenship badge," he says, as if it were his business.

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