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Mori Point

The salty wind wraps me in its arms

Making my nose an icicle

And my lips the cerulean sky

Every so often speckled

with clusters of chapped skin

I grin,

welcoming the cold with open arms

Breathing in the briny air

And dig my toes into the

Warm, obsidian black sands

Sliding down hills

And plummeting into the beach

My friend and I jump into the inky grains

Make sand angels

And search for treasure:





That have been rounded by the waves

For unknowable years

Only to have been washed ashore

And stuffed into the pockets of


After collecting our riches,

We decide to climb the pink and green

majestic mountain

Above the beach

And search for little critters

Our eyes light up as we find

a tiger moth caterpillar

Awaiting us on a leaf

Orange, black, and white

Its pricks look like feathers

We giggle as it climbs onto our hand

And squirms around, tickling our palm

Next, we stumble upon a

California Red-legged Frog

And marvel at its ruby and brown skin

Dotted with black spots

Like a ripe strawberry

It's the primary snack

for the endangered

San Francisco garter snake

It glitters in the sunlight

A plump garnet

Finally, tired, we sit down on

the craggy rocks of the mountain

And watch the sea roll

Back and forth

Back and forth

The waves ombre:

From sapphire to indigo

Seagulls dot the horizon

The sun begins to sink

Its last rays of warmth

Casting the clouds

orange, pink, red, and purple

In candy colors

A peregrine falcon calls in the distance

With our telescope, we zoom in

She's standing regally on the cliff

Feathers ruffled, eyes like hard cut gems

Looking for prey

Surely empyrean

As the falcon takes off and disappears

We continue to watch the sea

Killdeer plovers rush in and out of the waves

As if taunting it to come to get them

Yet it never does


The last of the birds I shall see today

It makes me laugh that it has such

An ironic name

For it never hurts anyone


A crash

I gasp

Something breaks the surface for

One second

A huge tail is launched into the air

Its color like storm clouds

And the depths of the Pacific


It's gone


We look at each other, then smile and sit back

Listening to the waves

And thinking of all the things

We did and saw.

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