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Stocks plummet in the tech industry

Recently, many stocks have decreased in value, but the tech industry especially has taken a plunge. The DJIA (or Dow Jones Industrial Average) has already sunk 831 points and the most promising and prosperous companies such as Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Alphabet seem to have suffered the greatest. The U.S. trade war/dispute with China impacts the stocks even more because China usually provides a lot of the materials that the tech companies used. The quote below shows that since China is putting tariffs on the US, people are worried that their company won't profit as much. "Alec Young, managing director of global markets research at FTSE Russell, said investors fear that rising interest rates and growing expenses are going to erode the boost company profits have gotten from the GOP tax overhaul." (PBS.org) Will the stocks continue to plummet? Will the US bargain with China concerning the trade deals? Many people wonder if the US economy (though it's doing well now) will be on its way to decline.

~ October 10, 2018

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