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Terror Attack in Nairobi

In Nairobi, Kenya, twenty-one people were killed and twenty-eight people were injured due to a terror attack. Aside from those eliminated, two suspects have been arrested. The situation began when gunmen attacked civilians in the early morning. Many people were rescued by Kenyan officials who had taken care of the attackers and shortly after, the government reassured the people that there was no longer a threat. The Kenyan president pronounced that all the terrorists involved were killed and expressed his condolences. However, later in the morning, there was a second assault. Explosions went off near a bank and in a hotel lobby which injured several more people. Many suspects have described the traumatic experience which killed several Kenyans, an Englishman, an American businessman, and a couple of unidentified people. Al-Shabab, an extremist Islamic terrorist group, has claimed responsibility for the attack. They have wanted revenge from Kenya ever since Kenya sent opposing soldiers to combat the group. Hopefully, Kenya and other countries can resolve this problem soon before any more citizens are hurt.

Source: NYT

~ January 16, 2019

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