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Brazil School Shooting

On March 13, 2019, two former students from Sao Paulo, Brazil, broke into the Professor Raul Brasil campus and fired their weapons, causing chaos. Five students (all around fifteen in age) and two staff members were among the confirmed dead. At least nine others are injured. After the shootings, the attackers, later identified to be Luiz Henrique de Castro (age 25) and Guilherme Taucci Monteiro (age 17), committed suicide for reasons that are unknown. This has been one of the most recent school shootings since 2011 in Rio de Janeiro. Imagine the grief and terror in the families of these children in Brazil. How can they trust themselves to send their kids to school if they can't guarantee their safety? Perhaps this will lead to reform in the Brazilian government; the current president, Bolsonaro, has been criticized for his stance for gun rights. Many government leaders expressed their condolences and regrets.

Source: NYT (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/13/world/americas/brazil-school-shooting.html)

~ March 13, 2019

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