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Physics of the Impossible Book Review


Did you know that force fields, phasers and death stars, artificially intelligent robots, and parallel universes may one day exist in the near future? Michio Kaku, the author of Physics of the Impossible, explores how modern technology such as plasma engines or antimatter rockets could bring us to the farthest stars.

Even though I wasn't interested in physics before, this book enraptured me from the its very first chapters. Kaku writes eloquently, yet its mind-blowing theories are written so that even children can understand them. This book addresses parallel universes, quantum physics, antimatter, artificial intelligence, force fields, extraterrestrials, black holes, the end of our universe, time travel, star ships, and more! Its organized chapters and divisions also makes reading about the subjects easy to understand. Additionally, the author often throws in some references to the science-fiction books and movies that he watched as a child, which makes his book more interesting and suspenseful.

In conclusion, Physics of the Impossible truly opened up a world to me. Now I want to be a theoretical physicist too!

Overall Rating:

5 stars

Age Group: 10+

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