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Why Confucianism is an Ideal Form of Ancient Chinese Government

Confucianist Scholar

What is an ideal form of government? Many political leaders and others ponder over this ancient, philosophical question. The Ancient Chinese philosophers also contemplated on how to govern but, not surprisingly, had different ideas on this subject. Around the 4th century B.C.E., these philosophers were mainly divided into two groups: Confucianism and Daoism. While Daoism mainly focused on independence, little government interference, and drawing not much attention to themselves, Confucianism was based on good leaders, respect for elders, democratic systems, and helping to provide education, healthcare, and social welfare. During this time, many people were split into social classes, where the King and lords lived in luxury while the peasants toiled hard to earn a living. Confucianism wanted to fix that problem so common people could also share the same necessities and pleasures as the rich. All in all, most Ancient Chinese philosophers believed that a Confucianist government would be the ideal form of government because of its democratic system, belief in peace, and attention in healthcare and education.

The Confucianist government system was different from others because of its democratic system. Many other philosophes were based on having a dictatorship or little or no government interference, so this was unique in this time period. The quote below shows how even though Confucianist China was ruled by a king, the ruler was expected to look to the common people to make important decisions. ‘When all your great officers say so, do not listen to them. When all your people say so, look into the case, and if you find that the person should be executed, then execute him. It is therefore said that the people execute him.’ (the scholar to King Hsuan, Document D) This quote illustrates that in order to rule a prosperous empire, a king must listen to his people. The king would look to the common man and not his officers to determine the case. Also, Confucianist philosophers believe in peace and an honest government. “‘If you lead the people with correctness, who will dare to not act correct?’” (Master to Ji Kang, Document A) This means that if you set a good example and have an honest government, people will be honest. Overall, having an honest democratic government is important because without these traits, a government could become corrupt.

Another reason why the Confucianist government was so unique was because of its attention to healthcare, education, and the wellbeing of its people. Confucianist scholars wanted peasants and poor people to have the same basic necessities as the rich and the elderly to be treated with care. ‘“Let serious attention be paid to education in school, and the gray-haired men will not carry burdens on the roads. There has never been a case when men of seventy had silk to wear and meat to eat, when the common people were neither hungry nor cold, and yet the ruler did not become true king of the empire.”’ This quote demonstrates that part of Confucian belief is to help support common people in educating them and making sure they are not cold or hungry. This is important because if people don’t have good healthcare and were all starving, they would most likely revolt and cause tension between the government and its people. A government that is not in good relations with its people will soon be overthrown. Also, this shows that the government cared to educate the people and keep them from being ignorant. This not only shows compassion but also government transparency. Usually in a totalitarian government, it would try to hide corrupt government actions and keep people illiterate and not educated. Furthermore, this is crucial because if people are educated and well taken care of, they will support the government that provides it: the economy as well as the overall general welfare of people will thrive.

However, Confucianism does have some flaws. Just because generous people rule the government and set a good example does not mean that the people will always follow. Also, Confucianism isn’t a total democracy-- it still has a king with total power. It is the king’s decision to decide if he wants to be good; and even then power may corrupt him. It is hard to find a good ruler who can instill the ideas of Confucianism into government. Daoism is also a formidable theory of ruling the people; believing in little government interference and serenity. It is based on the idea that everyone should be satisfied with what they have and only need to live with little to be happy. People would be jealous and steal if you have riches; therefore the crime rates would go up. Nevertheless, Confucianism is still stronger because with less government, it would become close to anarchy-- not all people would accept what they have. While Daoism created an independent government of the people, Confucianist scholars believed that the government has to connect to the people and help their problems for the government system to work properly.

In conclusion, Confucianism is the strongest form of government because of its democratic system and belief in strong education and healthcare. This is important later on because it forms other political parties and beliefs that use Confucianism as one of its ideologies. A Confucianist government not only listens to its people but provides them with healthcare and food to eat. Because of these important values, Confucianism was the most ideal form of government in Ancient China.

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