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Around the World in 80 Days by Alan P. Lightman Book Review


How many days does it take to travel the world? Well, Phileas Fogg, a man in 1875, made a bet on 20,000 pounds that he could do it in 80 days. That's equivalent to 2.6 million dollars at stake in today's terms! Will he win, lose, or even survive to the end of his journey? Read this book to find out! If you like mystery, adventure, and thrilling suspense, Around the World in 80 Days may be your cup of tea.

The story begins by introducing Fogg, a rich, calculated, and impassible man, who plans out every single activity he does. Never late, and never hurried, Fogg has a precisely exact schedule that is always predictable. Therefore, when he hires another servant named Passepartout and embarks on a seemingly impossible voyage just on the same day as he made his bet, the reader is pleasantly surprised.

Around the World in 80 Days was one of the most famous books in the 19th century and was written by Jules Verne, who wrote another popular novel, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Though many people think that classics are boring, this one is an exception. It's full of cliffhangers that will make you sit on the edge of your seat! The video game adaptation, 80 Days, was also named Time's game of the year.

Once you start reading, you may wonder what Fogg's motive was. Unlike most main characters, he seems to be a static character, who you can only read from his faint hints of undertoning emotions. Why would he go on such a voyage like this? For money? For adventure? In the end, will he get anything else besides money or fame? You may not know his motives, but by the time you turn the last page, I assure you that Mr. Fogg will gain something even more important.

Unfortunately, I found that in some scenarios you could find some bias and prejudice toward other races. In one case, Native Americans violently stormed the train and began killing passengers and stealing baggage. Additionally, some ethnic groups were generalized as more primitive than others, which reflects the author's ignorance and lack of actual travel experience. Therefore, although I loved the plot of the book, I must rate Around the World in 80 Days ⅘ stars.

Overall Rating:

4 stars

Age Group: 11+

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